Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

My Parents Are on their Way To California

My Parents are on a Road trip to California as I type this. They are going with my Aunt and Uncle and their son. They're supposed to have a Small family reunion there with a few of my Great Aunts and Uncles etc.. They've been planning this for about 4 months now. My Dad is retired and he's been soo excited about this. He doesn't have Internet service at home or computer so he's been studying Every map that he can get his hands on. Trying to map out the best route from Arkansas to California lol. My mom called me at about 11:00 this morning and they were in Denver Co. They had stopped last night and slept for awhile and were back on the road. I'm excited for them. I wish we could have gone along too. I Love road trips! I would Love to see all the country that they are seeing. The only places i've ever been are New orleans, Missouri, and Oklahoma! Wow! lol I Love to travel. But $$ is a Big reason why I can't. I think they are going to a town outside San diego. Vacaville? I can't remember.
They're wanting to go to the Grand Canyon and a few other places on the way. Sounds exciting to me and I admit i'm a bit jealous. :)

Getting Ready for a Yard Sale

Man my house is a Huge mess! I've been trying all week to get things ready for our yard sale on Saturday. I have got so much to get rid of and i'm Praying hard that a Lot of people come to the sale. Please!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Just documenting

AF Finally showed her ugly head today. only 6 days late! I Knew I wasn't pregnant but come on AF get your stupid ass here! Today is just spotting.

Applied For a Job today

Well I did it. I went today and put in my application for the Special education paraprofessional aide job at Sams school. OMG I was sooo nervous about it. I haven't held down a Full time Paying job in 10 years! That's a long time. I mean i've worked P/T for a friend of my sils when sam was 2 but that was temp and only a few days a week and only for 2 months. Then i've subbed for the last 2 years But that was only every once in awhile. Gosh what if I get this job? What if I don't? What if I do and hate it? What if I get it and Love it? Ahhhh!
So many thoughts and feelings are swirling around in my head. A Big part of me would Love Love Love to just substitute again this year and that way I could still be avaliable to go to shelbies field trips and help in her kindergarten room. And I could be home when the kids are in school. OMG that would be Awsome to have a day Home just me! by myself! What would that be like? lol. But then I think about the fact that we Really need the income that a F/T permant job would give us. I Despertly need a new car. I mean badly! But could we afford one if i just sub? Probably. But it would be a Lot easier if I was working everyday. I was told by the receptionist at the school at the end of school this year that if I wanted to sub again this coming school year that they would keep me busy. I had to turn them down So much last year due to shelbie being in preschool and my MIL only being able to watch shelbie a few days a week so I could sub. I get paid $60.00 a day to sub. Even if I only subbed 1 day a week that would Still be $240.00 a month. almost enough for a car payment. But then the extras? Like school supplies etc.. that Always come up? I want and Need to make things easier on Billy now that I can. He's worked 2 and even 3 jobs sometimes to make ends meet for me to be able to stay home with the kids. I feel like it's My turn to help out $$ wise. It would be so great for Billy to be able to have a day Off, I mean really Off. But honestly my husband is a work alcholic! He can't stay still for a second. even after he had knee surgery wayy back. It drove him Crazy to have to sit still lol.
But when all is said and done it is not up to me whether I get this job or not. I am trying so hard to Totally give it up to God. I prayed that God's will be done on whether I get this job or not. Because in the end it's his will that is best.

I have No idea when they'll do interviews. So I wait.... I gave them both my home # and Cell phone # so i'm covered. lol. Arrgghh the wait!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Thanks Jen (EC) and Jen (Veggiemom)

Thanks ya'll for letting me have my little pity party about no one reading my blog. I know ya'll read it. I think I was having a bit of self pity due to PMS or something lol. I'm better today. LOL>

Love ya both!!!!!!!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Beautiful Song By "The Greens"

I found this somewhere online and I Loved the words so much.

Jesus Has a Rocking Chair
Many hopeful moms and dadsTry to have a child of their ownSome will never get the chanceOthers do and see them grownAnd there are those who are expectingThat precious baby soonBut then it's gone before it ever leavesThe safety of it's mamma's wombJesus has a rocking chairAnd He holds that precious babyWith oh, such tender careHe takes the place of mom and dadHe's the greatest parent a child could haveDon't worry about the children thereJesus has a rocking chairThere are those who have a boy or girlA lovely gift of GodBut then sickness or a tragedyTakes them from their parent's armsMammas wish for days gone byDaddies long for that lost childBut the children are not lostWhen you know where they areShe was eighteen and unmarriedExpecting her little oneBut in her time of confusionShe took the life of her sonSince then Jesus forgave herAnd took all her shame awayStill she cries missing her babyBut she hears the angels sayJesus has a rocking chairAnd He holds that precious babyWith oh, such tender careHe takes the place of mom and dadHe's the greatest parent a child could haveDon't worry about the children thereJesus has a rocking chair

It's kinda Jumbled up and hard to read that way. but I still love the words

Kinda Sad

But it seems like no one reads my Blog anymore. Oh well :( I guess it's mostly for me anyway. But I sure did love the comments people left. Where did everyone go?

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Update on Granny

I went back to see grandma today at the hospital. She is in really good spirits and feels good other then her leg and foot still bother her. she says it feels weak like it's asleep. She is walking with help. The ocupational and physical therapists have her in a foot thing that goes inside her shoe to brace her foot. so it doesn't roll. They thought that she might have to have surgery but the surgen said No. Thank God. She will probably be in there a few days more. and then go home on rest and therapy

Sunday, June 18, 2006

My Grandma is in the Hospital.

They admitted my grandma to the hospital yesterday. Thursday she was having problems with her knee. She said it felt like she was losing control of it. So my Aunt took her to the Dr. He said that he found no real problems with it so she may have sprained it taking care of my grandpa. Well yesterday she was having a Lot more problems withit. So the DR told her to go to the hospital and they admitted her. they were afraid that she'd had a stroke. :( After MRI's CAT scans and Xrays Plus bunches of blood work they could find No signs of a stroke. Thank you God. But she has the Drs stumped now as to What could be wrong with her leg! One Dr said it may be a pinched nerve. Her left leg and foot are numb and tingly. She can move her leg but can't hardly move her foot at all. Scary! She's in great spirits though. I saw her last night at the hospital. I Hate seeing her there. :( I'm really close to my gran. She took care of me when my mom worked. when I was very small. Before I was in school. She's a country granny. Big breakfasts and big lunchs. EVen bigger suppers lol. I love her sooo much. God please watch over her.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Got Thyroid Test Results

I guess while we were at Sams Dr appt today My Dr called with my Test results. She left a message that said that my Thyroid was in the "Normal" range. Which basically means to keep taking my 100 mcg of levoxyl for my thyroid everyday. And to come back in 6 months. I didn't get to find out my levels though so I may call her back monday and find out. I like to know my numbers.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Dr who almost killed me is Being Sued

I'm just in Shock in a way. My friend shelly who's a nurse told me that she read in the paper that the Dr who botched my D&C in November and almost killed me is being sued. It said that a woman had to have an Emergency C-section and was sent home after x amount of days and then at home she started bleeding so the family took her back to the hospital, They called the Dr but he Never showed up! And the woman died of an embolisim. The family is now suing him.
I thought that this just happened. but it actually happened back in 2004! I can't even explain how I feel about this. I guess I thought that since he's a fairly new Dr. (I think he's been practicing for about 5 years or so) that I was his first "Victim" or something and I was hoping and praying that he'd learn from what happened to me and be more careful. But I guess I was his second mistake or maybe even more than that. I feel so let down. Or victimized or something. Yesterday after I found the newspaper article about it online I just cried. I felt like Why did this have to happen to me?! Why didn't he learn from his mistakes? Why couldn't he have thought about what happened when he wasn't at the hospital when he was needed and a woman died when he was doing my D&C? Why did I have to be hurt too? I'm just at a loss right now. I'm hurt and angry and very Sad for that poor family. Please God let him learn this time and I pray that that family gets all the $$ from him and the hospital possible.

Monday, June 12, 2006


I am sitting here with a Killer headache. My head is Pounding and my eyes hurt and my tummy feels so yucky. I think it may be a migrane. I'm so glad that the kids are playing so great together right now. I am going to go lay down on the couch and see if it'll go away. I've got soo much to do but my head hurts to much to do it. :(

Thyroid Check up

Today I had an appt with my Dr to recheck my thyroid. Well it was the nurse practionaer. She was really nice. I weighed in at WAY to much! I about threw up seeing how much I weighed! :( I hate that and I Have to do something!
Anyway she looked at my hands too, i've been having problems with them. She said I have Eczema! She wrote me a presp for meds for that but I had some here already because Sam has it too.
The lady who took my blood did a Really great job! Thank you God. I Hate having blood taken! I mean Hate it. But the lady who did it today was Really great! I hardly felt it and she was really fast. Yah! I should get my results in a week. I almost wish I was a tiny bit Hyper thyroid so that I could lose some weight.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Girl Your Husband Love you!

It was so funny and weird at the same time. yesterday me and the kids stopped by the store near our house. Well we live in such a small town that just about everyone knows everyone lol. There are a couple of new women working at the store now that I don't know very well. But when ive talked to them they are really nice.
Well we were waiting for our lunch we ordered yesterday and Robin one of the girls started talking to me. She said "your Billys wife right?" and I said Yes. Then she said "OMG Girl That man LOVES you!!" It was so weird and funny at the same time. lol. " I told her " I know lol" and she said "Oh but he talks about you all the time he's down here" Apparently one of the first times Billy ever met her she was a little to friendly for his liking so he made sure she knew that he was Married! Yeah Billy!! Way to go Babe! I don't think she was hitting on him since she is almost old enough to be his mom but anyway. lo.l
I Know how much BIlly loves me. He tells me alot. But it's kinda nice to hear it from a Stranger. LOL>

Picked up my Mothers Ring today.

It only took a Month to get it! It was only supposed to take 2-3 Weeks. But today I finally got it. I Love it so much! It's so pretty. The only thing I didn't think about when I ordered it was that the names beside each BS are soooo small. I Mean Tiny, need a mangnifying glass to see them, Tiny! But the stones are so pretty and I am so glad I got it.

Me and my Shadow

I don't know What is going on with Shelbie lately but omg she's about to drive me Nuts!
For about the last week she's been my constant shadow. Everywhere I go she's 1 step behind me. I don't know if she's just wanting my attention or what. And the Whining O M G she's not been this bad since she was 2! She's in this thing where she wants What SHE wants and Wants it NOW! And if she doesn't get it she will Whine your Ear off!
I took her to Town with me today. We stopped by a bunch of yard sales and I didn't find much. Shelbie did though lol. She wanted almost Every toy she saw! I Let her get a few that I knew that Both kids could play with , squirt guns and bubbles etc.. Now if she'll just share them with Sam. lol. That may be a fight. I was trying to find some clothes for the kids this fall. I did find Sam 3 Really nice Old navy Shirts for $1.00 each. can't beat that. lol.
I'm hoping that spending 1 on 1 time with my girl today will help her. Right now she's in her room playing, I hope it lasts.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Gone Fishing

Well since the Blog was down yesterday i'll add yesterdays entry today too.
Yesterday we went fishing with my FIL. It was Me, Sam and shelbie and my FIL. I got Skunked! That means I didn't catch Anything and everyone else did. lol. Shelbie caught a Bass and Sam caught one too. My FIL caught a Turtle and 5 bass. We didn't keep them though. We didn't stay all day because I got a headache and was More then ready to go home. It was so much fun though and the kids had a Blast! Sam and shelbie weren't ready to come home and they both got mad at me. lol.
Sam is going Fishing again tomorrow with Grandpa. He's So excited

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Our Dogs

Poor Ollie. He can't get a moments Rest with Roxie wanting the Porch Swing too. lol. You can See she's got her ball and she's wanting Ollie to Play too. LOL

Lazy Dog! And Attack of the Crazy Dog

Our Dog Ollie is a great pernees sorry if that's spelled wrong lol. He's going on 3 years old now and he's Huge! Butfor as Big as he is he is The sweetest doggy in the entire world. The kids have always wrestled with him and played with him and he's Never once snapped or growled at them. He's also a scardy cat. When people drive up he'll bark and let us know they are here but then he'll run off into the yard to stay away from them. lol. Big baby! He got sick with something awhile back and we were getting ready to take him to the vet when he got better. but he's not been the same since then. He's not as hyper as he used to be :( but still my loving sweetie pie. He's my dog. And omg I love him to pieces!

Roxie is our Black Lab dog. She's only about 1 year old and she's a Crazy dog. lol her original owners were going to kill her since she was dragging stuff into their yard! :( Stupid reason! So Billy rescued her and we took her in. She is soo sweet. She Loves to chase the kids and have them chase her. She's Fast! And she's so smart! She learned to SIT in 1 day! And learned to Fetch in 1 day. She's awsome! She'll bring the ball or toy back to you but sometimes she wants you to chase her to get it. lol. Her and Ollie are Best buddies. And honestly she doesn't tear stuff up like her other owners said she did! humm!
I'll post some pictures here in a minute.

You can see Ollie is the Master over our Porch swing! You can't get him out of it. lol. And Roxie wants to share it with her.

Jen (EC)

Girl you got it! Come on down and we'll pull up a lawn chair and sip some margartias (sp) or something yummy like that. Well that is if you don't mind having to fight off the kids wanting to play too. lol

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Swimming in the Pool, Lazy Saturday and Not wanting to cook

Wow now That is a title. lol. today the kids and I went to Walmart to get a Pool, I saw one yesterday there that was one of those One Set type, Where you just pour the water in and it inflates itself. Well I Thought the one of sale for $49.99 would work for them But it was only a 8ft X 2.5 Foot pool. Wayy to small. But then the 12 Ft X 36 IN one was To expensive! Arrgghh! So I ended up getting them a Plastic one that you just fill up and play in. I Really Really wanted a Bigger one but $$ Wise it just didn't work out. Oh well, Sams only complained TWICE about it. @@ Kids! Gotta love em' though. At least Shelbie is Loving it! And it'll give them something to do and get cooled off some. I Wish we had the $$ for one of those HUGE above ground pools from a Pool place. That would be Awsome! But we'll make do with what we have lol.
Since we've been home The kids got In the pool and Sam stayed in it for about 15 minutes. Shelbie stayed in it aLot longer. She got out and watched a bit of SpiderMan 2 we bought today and then She got Back in the pool. lol. I'm just tired today. I have No energy and don't want to do anything. I am doing a little laundry just so it doesn't take over the laundry room lol And soon i've got to find Something for supper but i'm Soo not in the mood to cook. Arrgghh I wish I had soemthing quick and easy to fix. *yawn* And I wish I could take a Nap *Yawn*

Friday, June 02, 2006

Sams appt and Night update

First Jen(EC) Sweetie you are more then welcome to fly on down here girl and play with my kids in the Rain ANY time you ever want. They would Love that. ;)

Well Sams appt with his therapist Melissa went Really well yesterday morning. She was supposed to be there at 9:00 am but was a little late. No big deal really.
We talked for a few minutes and then she asked Sam to show her his room and stuff. They went in there With the door open ( a mom can't be to careful) and talked. I could hear them from the living room too. They talked for about 40 min or so and then came out and melissa and I went outside on the porch and talked. She told me that when/if Sam gets scared that there is someone outside then I/And or Billy should get a flashlight and take him outside and look and show him that there isn't anyone out there. Also she told me that she told Sam that he needs to Face his fears by Staying in his room at night and not calling for me and billy over and over. She also has some fun things in the works for the kids she sees this summer. One of them is a wildlife Rehab center. It's not to far from here and they let kids come in for an hour and Volunteer and help with the feeding and taking care of the abandoned and hurt animals. Sam was sooo excited about that! He Loves animals alot. All in all I think it went really well yesteday morning and she's coming back Next thursday at 9:00 am agian. Yikes! that's early lol.
Sam did So great last night, he went right to bed and I said his prayers with him and tucked him in. I told him to tell me Anything he needed to Now because Daddy and I were going to bed soon and we were not coming into his room when he called. So he told me a few things and then went right to bed! Wow! He stayed in his room All night! Yee haw! I went to bed at 10:00 and slept all night. ahhhhh I needed that sooo much. And another great thing Shelbie didn't have any nightmares last night. Thank you God. It was so nice to get a good night sleep and my kiddos too.