Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Gone Fishing

Well since the Blog was down yesterday i'll add yesterdays entry today too.
Yesterday we went fishing with my FIL. It was Me, Sam and shelbie and my FIL. I got Skunked! That means I didn't catch Anything and everyone else did. lol. Shelbie caught a Bass and Sam caught one too. My FIL caught a Turtle and 5 bass. We didn't keep them though. We didn't stay all day because I got a headache and was More then ready to go home. It was so much fun though and the kids had a Blast! Sam and shelbie weren't ready to come home and they both got mad at me. lol.
Sam is going Fishing again tomorrow with Grandpa. He's So excited


Blogger Michelle said...

How fun! Sorry you didn't catch anything.

4:52 AM

Blogger Earthchild618 said...

I thought you were saying you got sprayed by a skunk! ROTFLMAO!

8:00 PM


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