Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Tired and Hurting

I'm just soo tired today. I don't want to do Anything at all. Plus my Costochrondritis is hurting so bad! My left shoulder, collarbone and chest is killing me. It hurts to take a deep breath :(
I Hate this pain! I started taking my Vitamins again so i'm praying that they will start working fast. All I want to do is Sleep. But of course with 2 kids in the house running around wild that is out of the question lol. Maybe I can get to bed earlier tonight? Maybe? lol. I'd Love to.
So far today we ran to the library and got a few books and some movies. Sam is watching one right now. SHelbie keeps saying she wants to watch one and then Right after I put it on for her she'll watch it for about 5 minutes and is done! Irritating! We ran to the bank too and deposited the Check from mowing. My mom said that the Church yard and Cemetary looked really good! That makes me proud. We try really hard to do a good job and make it look nice so it's great to hear feedback like that. :)
Well i'm going to go do some laundry now YUCK wish me luck/


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