Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

The Case of the Disappering Husband

My husband that is. Disapperaing because he's not here lately! Ok he's not Really disappered because I KNOW where he is. lol. My hubby is working himself to death!
Thursday he worked at his regular job 12 hours like usual. Then at 7:30 Pm he headed for the Hay field. He hauled hay till 1:30 the Next morning! Then came home, slept a little Tiny while and then went to help our friend Matt build fence! He did That until about 5:00 pm and then came home for about 1 1/2 hours and then left to Finish hauling the rest of the hay! He didn't get home until 4:30 THIS morning! He crawled into bed and slept for about 4.5 hours then his mom called and woke him up. Arrgghh! Love her to death but arrgghh! I made him go back to sleep for awhile then my cousin Sarah who's married to Billys best friend D called and asked him to help D today Rake hay in Their field. So that is where my wonderful, hard working hubby is right now. :( I miss him!
I am So very Thankful that he's not a dead beat husband kwim? but I just wish that he knew how to slow down some and spend more time with us. :(
The kids are really m issing daddy alot today. He should be home at a decent hour tonight. Well I hope and pray anyway. But then he'll be back at it tomorrow i'm sure. So much for a holiday weekend. But at least the pay is good. But it's Not worth not getting to see my husband that's for sure!


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

When chad was doing his own bussiness I would never ever see him either, it was so hard :( either you see him and be poor Orr I would never see him and still be just a little less poor! I go for poor LOL

5:20 AM


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