Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Schools Out For Summer!

Where is that musical note when you need it? lol.
Today is the last day of school! Well yesterday was Sams last day. Today they only had to go to 11:30 so we didn't make Sam go today. The poor kid gets on the bus at 6:30 and then he'd just have to turn around and come back home. it's silly! So all day today he and shelbie have fought! He's hit her I don't know how many times! She pesters him and makes him upset and he hits her! Arrgghh! I'm praying that this is Not a preview of the summer ahead of us! We really need to get a pool. Shelbie wants to play in the water Really badly but our Water toy broke and won't spray water in circles anymore :( She keeps wanting to turn the hose on and it's going to kill us in water bills! The pool doesn't have to be huge just big enough for the kids to play in and have fun in. I need to check Target and walmart.
Right now i'm Sweating to death! it's 91 degrees and i'm sooo Hot! We don't have the Airconditioner on yet. Actually we need to put the Window units in soon. Right now we're relying on box fans in the windows. And that is not doing much at all! Well it's blowing hot air. lol. it's supposed to be this hot all week! So far we have no plans for the holiday weekend. All the camping spots are full so I figure we'll stay around here. boring! But oh well.


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