Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A Day in the Life of A Substitute

Well let's see What my Typical day of subbing is like...
Get up and get Sam and shelbie around. Drop shelbie off at Grandmas and Sam and I run to store to get breakfast Shhh don't tell Billy lol.
We head to school, and get there around 7:30 I like to get to school early to be able to look over the instructions the Teacher has left for me and get all the papers and worksheets together and in order in case they're not. This week i'm sooo blessed!! Ms. Jordan the kindergarten teacher i'm subbing for is Great! She has a detailed letter all typed up and ready for me with Times to do stuff and where the papers are! Love that!!
I also like to say Hi to the kiddos as they are coming into the classroom in the morning.
8:00 am Bell rings and kids start coming into the room and start sharpening pencils etc.
8:15 am down to business. lol. The kids get out their notebooks and "Free write" which basically means they write a few sentaces about their night or yesterday and I go around and correct the spelling etc..
9:00 am. Yep it takes That long to read all the kids writings and correct them . lol
9:00 we do the pledge and take attendance and lunch count, Count to 100 by 1's, Count to 100 by 5's. Count to 100 by 10's. Talk about day of week, month and date and year. We do alphabet chart and phonics chart. Kids get to share a special story about something.
9:30- 9:45 Start work sheets.
10:30- Wash hands for lunch.
10:40- Lunch I may or may Not have duty :( HATE lunch duty! Yuck!
11:10- Recess. May or may not have duty there too! double yuck!
11:40-12:00 Kids come back to room after recess. We take a bathroom and drink break and read book.
12:00 or so. Work sheets start again.
1:00- 1:40 a break for me! Yeah! P.E for the kids. lol
1:40-2:00 yet another bathroom and drink break for kiddos.
2:00-2:45 Work sheets Yep more!
2:45 Get ready to go home. get backpacks, papers etc..
3:00 pickup kids go to pickup area and Bus kids go to hall.
3:05 walk bus kids down to bus area and soon afterward put them on the bus! Yah!
3:30 Home for me! OH man I LOVE that part.

It's funny but when I write it out like that it doesn't seem like all that much in the day but I left out all the Millions of times I tell them to "Sit down" " NO that doesn't go in your Nose" "Please don't glue your fingers together" You name it. Oh and a hundred times I sharpen pencils too
Kindergarten teachers are a Rare bunch!


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

Shelly that is a filled day :)
i don't like being places that early makes me tired for the whole day LOL

12:21 PM

Blogger Michelle said...

I'm tired just reading about it!! LOL

1:42 PM


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