Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Mothers Day Tea at Preschool today

Shelbies school had a mothers day tea for all us mommys today. We got really cute invitations the other day and we had placemats with our childs pictures on them in our seats. Plus the kids had made Cute little flowers for us to wear. Ahhh! The classes sang songs for us and a Teacher read a poem. There was barely a dry eye in the house. :( it was so sweet. Then we had Cake and punch. It was so nice. We were supposed to have a playdate with Shelbies best friend from Preschool but the mom had to cancel. I guess her other daughter was sick at home and had to get back to her. It's ok and I told her that we'd just do it another time soon. We sat and talked while we were waiting on the girls to come out and she's really nice. I'll admit I was nervous lol. come to find out they really don't live that far from us. Wow I figured that they lived a long ways from us but nope. We may have to get together soon. I Know shelbie would Love that.


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

How sweet is that? glad that you were able to go to that.

hope you connect up eith this other mom soon for the playdate

7:41 AM


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