Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Mom you're the Greatest person ever, Right after God and Jesus

Sam made me a mothers day card at school and gave it to me today. It's so sweet and it has a picture drawn inside of all of us. He actually put My name and Dads name and shelbies name on it too. But he told me that the reason My name was Bigger then all the rest was because he thinks i'm the best person in the world. Right after God and Jesus. OMG there are days when it seems all I do is tell Sam "No" or "Stop" and he tells me this. And there are soo many days that I feel like The worst mom in the World and he thinks i'm The greatest.
Thank you God. I Really needed this today. And Thank you God for blessing me with the Honor of being Sams mom. I'm the luckest mommy in the world.


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