Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Mail Totally Ruined my Day

I got that Freaking Stupid "Welcome Baby" package in the mail from Freaking Similac today. Welcome baby? Ummm Nope! How about welcome heart ache? Welcome scraping off the scab!? Welcome Ruining my great day? That is it!
This day was going so great. Shelbie had preschool and had a great day, lots of fun. I hit the resale shops and walmart to get stuff for sams field trip Thursday.
Shelbie and I were hanging out here at home after her school and then checked the mail and B A M there went my good mood and great day! There is the mail box was that Freaking package! Why? Why send it after I contacted them and told them our baby died? Why? I have contacted all of the baby people that I had signed up for when we found out we were preg. I Still keep getting that "American Baby" magazine. I have contacted them 3 times now! I keep getting Emails from baby boards and Cord blood registeries and this and that. Baby baby baby! OMG leave me alone! let me start feeling happy again! Let me get on with my life with a little smile without you freaking companies wiping my smile off!
I now have 2 8 oz cans of Simalic formula on my shelf. Staring at me. Mocking me.
weird thing is I have Never used formula with either child. I wasn't going to use it with Zachary either. Now it's just sitting there. Does anyone want it? = (


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

I am so sorry Shelly. I want to vomit b/c I have this terrible feeling in the pit of my belly when I think of you opening the mail to see that. I am just so sorry honey.

4:41 PM

Blogger Michelle said...

I am so sorry, sweety! It's all about $$ they figure you'll give it to someone else & they'll still get a customer. Why can't they feel a little compassion. big hugs to you sweety!

6:44 AM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

OH MY GOSH how horriable! I am so sorry hon this is just sticking the knife in deeper I am so sorry! My heart is breaking for you. :(

12:50 PM

Blogger Shelly said...

Thanks Girls. I am doing better today. Thanks to all of your Wonderful comments!! LOVE Ya!!

3:07 PM


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