Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Shelbies Kindergarten Screening today

It went so Great! She had a great time and did So great. I was so proud of her. She went right with the teacher no problem, didn't even look back at me. lol. But Gosh it almost felt like I was sending her to school right then and there. It was hard! =( She did Fantastic with screening part where she recognized letters and Shapes and numbers etc.. She knew almost all of them. For some reason she only got 4 out of the 6 shapes they asked her to name. Heck that kid has known she shapes for a Longggg time. Must have been because she didn't know the teacher or something. That's the only thing I can think of. she passed her vision and hearing tests too. The nurse did say that when she covers one eye with her hand the Other eye lid closes almost all the way for some reason. Same with the other eye. Don't know why though. She's always had heavy looking lids. Like sultry eyes. lol. She asked me to let the Dr know that at her physical. She did Pass her speech evaluation but the Speech teacher wants us to practice with her saying her S's correctly and her F's She has a "Tongue thrust" where her tongue pushes past her teeth when she says F's and S's . All in all she did Awsome! I'm so proud of my girl. But i'm Not ready for her to go to kindergarten yet.. =(


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

She is such a smart little girl! I am so happy that she did so well and that you can be confindent that she will do well In Kindergarten.

5:40 PM


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