Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Crap! Just when I think we're getting Ahead

We get Slammed back down! I got a Big bill from my old Dr's office! From 2004! Apparently my insurance Sucked and I didn't even know it! We now have a differant insurance and of course it sucks worse! The bill is only $305.00!!!!!! HUH?! Ummm Why didn't I get bills before it was turned over to collections!? Yep now i've got this Really sweet lady calling me. Note the sarcasam! She's a Witch! Saying that I can only pay this in 2 payments! Umm there is No way possible for me to do that! I just sat down the other day and paid almost $200.00 worth of bills from Dr's! Why oh Why can't insurance just Pay what they are supposed to pay? I mean Crap my Co-pay per Dr visit is $40.00! Then I get another bill for whatever insurance doesn't pay! Sh*T So now I have to figure out How to pay this bill. I paid $78.53 today on it. So th ey will call me next month about it. Gosh I'm So tired of this mess. It just seems to keep piling on. And with Summer coming I won't have any $$ coming in from Subbing. Why can't someone Really rich take pity on me and give me some much needed money? lol.
God help us Please


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

If I were rich i would give you lots of money but, God gave you a poor friend LOL

11:49 AM


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