Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

I don't know What I would do without my Friends

And you know who you are. Sometimes I'm almost afraid to post something, Not because of my friends, Never Ever because of them. But because I feel like Sound like i'm whining almost.
I know that I have Every right to mourn and grieve and bitch and moan all I want but I guess i've heard it from others some times that I need to Stop and let it go, that I'm almost leary of saying anything else.
I don't want anyone to feel like i'm being whiney. I guess it just helps me so much to write everything down, to get it Out there so it's not bottled up inside. I don't talk to Billy about this because i've tried and he won't say much. I know he's Sad too but i'm sure Men don't feel the same way about it as women do.

Anyway back to my friends. Every since we lost our baby I have been surrounded by THE most Wonderful, Loving, Caring, supportive women in the Entire world. I may have never met them in "Real" life but they mean the World to me. Jen (EC) and Jen (Veggie) and Melissa and Tanya and Brid and so many others that I'm sorry that I might not name. But i'm So blessed. Beyond measure i'm blessed.
I want ya'll my wonderful friends to know how Very much you mean to me. Thank you for being my friends! I Love you all!!


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

shelly, you are wonderful friend. I am honered that you feel you can share your thoughts with me. In "real life" i dont even have that good of a friend. i take that back i do its YOU!

11:05 AM

Blogger Earthchild618 said...

Girl...we are blessed to have YOU in OUR lives.

Love headed your way.....

2:58 PM

Blogger Tanya said...

Shelly, You are such a dear friend! I was so happy to be able to be of some comfort in your time on pain. You have been that so many times for me. Oh how I wish we could live closer together but I am so glad I know you even if it is a long distants friendship!

11:17 PM


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