Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Shelbie Lost her First Tooth!

Since January Shelbie has had 6 Loose teeth. I didn't even know it until the dental hygenist told us. It felt like it's so early for her to be having lose teeth but I guess it's ok at 5 years old. One of her bottom teeth had been getting loser and loser and yesterday at her Grandmas house it got Really lose. She was eatting an Apple and it almost came out and it was bleeding which freaked her out pretty bad. Well it didn't fall out then but last night after her bath we were brushing her teeth and I let her brush after me and she kept saying that she didn't want to brush the loose one because it hurt. So I told her that she could just brush the others. Well I guess after a while she forgot about it and brushed the lose one and POP it came out. OMG the look on her face was Priceless. Lol. She was so shocked and a little scared. She kept saying " Mom I can't believe my tooth just came out" Over and over. And she yelled for Daddy to come see. He was excited of course and I about broke into tears. My babies first lost tooth. :(
I"m sad because it means she's getting bigger and bigger. :( Next stop College. lol.
The tooth fairy brought her $3.00 and then grandpa gave her another dollar. lol.
She's loading up on the $$ for sure. lol
She was so excited to go to preschool today to show all her friends where her tooth Used to be.


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

3 bucks???? Wow...inflation! LOL.

How cute that she wanted to show everyone! You have to post pics of her with her toothless smile!

12:06 PM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

Hurray for Shelbie! I bet she looks so cute!

11:24 AM


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