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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Shelbies Parent-Teacher Conferance

Well it went Great! My girl is Smart! lol. Of course this was a Preschool PT conferance but i'm proud anyway. She made all C's which means "Continually" and 1 E which means Emerging. So the only thing she's having problems with is knowing which letter a word starts with when asked. Which Is a Kindergarten level and all the kids in the class had a problem with that one. A kindergarten Aide taught me a song about the letters so Maybe that will help her to learn them faster. I mean she can tell you the letters when you show her the letters butcan't tell you what the word starts with. Her Teacher said that she is Great in class and is a wonderful example for the other kids. =) That's my girl!! I am hoping that this continues through Kindergarten too.


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

Hurray for Shelbie! WTG, give her a proud hug from me!

6:48 AM

Blogger Earthchild618 said...

Woohoo! WTG Sweetie!

8:03 AM


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