Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Finally a Day at home

Wow it's funny but i'm soo glad to have a Day here At home! Last week was Crazy between Subbing Tuesday, Wed and thursday and then again Monday and my house was a Wreck! I just did what I Had to do to get by that week lol. Yesterday Shelbie had Preschool and an Easter egg hunt at school, Her teacher asked me to help and of course I happily said Yes! I love helping out like that. Especailly since I know with shelbie in K next year and Sam in school too that I'll either be working F/T or subbing as much as I can and I might have to miss out on a lot of her kindergarten activities :( I hate that thought. I've been blessed to be able to go to all of Sams trips @ school and Shelbies at preschool. I'm going to really miss not being able to go with them. Right now Shelbie is in her room Crying! She is soo mad at me because I will not let her play in the water. Ummm it's not warm enough for that yet. But she still wants to! Our old swimming pool got broken over the winter when it snowed on it and the dogs jumped on it and broke it. So we have to get a new one. But then $$ is a problem! I only get paid for subbing once a month so i'll have to wait. Plus this month we have truck insurance. Yikes! Gotta pay for that. Why is it that just when you think you're getting ahead in finances there is Always something come along to tell you otherwise. we're back to being broke again. :( But I can say that we held on to that income tax refund as long as we could. Gas prices are killing us! In most places around here it's already up to $2.69 a gallon! That is Sick! Plus Billys truck sucks gas. He only gets about 13 miles to the gallon!!! I wish we had the $$ to get a car right now. We need one Badly. But it's best to wait i know that but it's hard. I had to go and marry for Love instead of money lol. Just kidding. I love Billy sooo much and would never leave him.
Well back to the grind. i've got 1 load of laundry on the line drying and need to put another one on. I love the smell of laundry dried on the clothes line outside. ahhh Fresh!


Blogger Elaina said...

I know it's always one step forward, two steps back. I keep telling myself that now that we have practically no bills that we'll save money. Something always comes up though.

11:06 PM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

our vechiles ALWAYS break down when we have any money.

11:38 AM


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