Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Long Day at School

OMG i'm sooo tired right now. I subbed for Intervention today and had to be at school early since I had AM bus duty. So I got up and got around and then got Sam around and got to school Early, Wayyyy to early! I wanted to make sure I got there before the buses did so I left way to early. Arrgghh i'll not do that again. So all day long i've been so tired. I mean barely keep my eyes open.. Yawn and Yawn tired. I feel like ive got brain fog. I hate feeling this way, I can barely concentrate. I really like subbing for intervention because it's so differant from being in the classroom all day. You go to differant classes and see if any of the kids need help with work etc.. I really like that. I feel like i'm making a differance to them. My plan for this fall is to either Substitute Every day they need me because both kids will be in school Or to try hard to get on at the school F/T. I really enjoy subbing there. Everyone is really nice and Very helpful.
The only bad thing about today was that I was Surrounded by Pregnant women! The secretary is in labor right now and another Sub is going into induction tomorrow. I had to walk the other way when she was there today. I couldn't help but feel jealous. And I hate that!!


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

that sounds like a fun subbing job, just how early did you get there?? LOL

6:18 AM

Blogger Elaina said...

Sounds like a fun job, at Sapphire's old school they had parent volunteers that did that.

9:05 PM


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