Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Off to Sub I go

Well i'm trying to get some stuff done this morning before I have to go to work. They called me Friday and asked me to Substitute Today, only 1/2 a day from 11:30-3:00 But it's $30.00 I didn't have before. lol. Today is for Kindergarten. I'm not used to kindergarten this year. I subbed some for K last year but not so far this year. It's harder to sub for K. well I think it is anyway. The kiddos are so much younger and it's harder at times to get them to listen and do their work. I'm just more used to 1st grade and second. I don't do the Older grades like 5th on.. I can't take the smart mouths of those kids. Well the ones I know anyway. lol.
My MIL and FIL are coming up here today to take care of shelbie. Shelbie is soo excited! She even cleaned her room yesterday afternoon in all the excitment of gran coming. LOL It was to cute.
It seems like this week is going to be busy too, Tomorrow shelbies preschool is going to a Farm animals thing. It's not at a farm but I guess the animal owners bring the animals to an Equine center and the kids go there to see them. I've been before with sams class and with my friends day care class and It was a lot of fun. I need to remember my camera. Then so far nothing going on Wednesday. thursday shelbie has school again and then Friday Sams school has their "Fun and Field day" It's a day of all games and fun. It's been so much fun in the past and i'm praying that the weather stays great and it's fun this year too. Last year was Cold and rainy so we had to have it in the PE room. Not tomuch fun and omg it was so loud I got a major headache. I need to make sure my MIL can watch Shelbie for me.
Well off to get more stuff done before I have to leave. I'm praying for a great day!!


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