Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Fun and Field Day

Sams School had their Annual "Fun and Field day" today. it was for grades 3-6th. Of course the school Begged for volunteers so I signed up. Can you say Sucker?! lol. Yep i'm a sucker when it comes to the school needing help. We got there today a little late, we had some trouble with the truck. So Sam went to his class and I went to the practice field to help. A company was there airing up those HUGE inflatable toys. The ones where the kids can play in and on them. There was 4 of them and they were fun. ummm Talking from experience there LOL
So after they were inflated I was in charge of one of them. it was an Obstacle course. It was Nuts! I had to keep trying to get the kids to follow the rules of the ride but OMg they would Not listen! Near the end of the course there is a big wall with little toe holds and ropes to climb up to get to slide down to the end. now all of this stuff is inflated so it's not hard or have any sharp edges. Plus everytime you leaned against something it would collapse with you. At one point 2 classes of 3rd grades were taking turns going in and there became a HUGE pile up below the climbing wall. I ended up having to crawl through the course tothem to get them separtated and help kids Up the wall. it was Hard! And kids were getting knocked down and stepped on. I finally had enough and Yelled "Everyone Stop!" And they did. Amazing. lol. We finally got it all straigtened out and the kids out of the pileup. Arrgghhh! Non of that would have happened if they would have Just listened! I finally got lunch at 11:50 and I was sooo Tired. So after I ate lunch I decided that I had had enough of F&F day. I had a Bad headache and so I picked up Sam early and we got shelbie from Grandmas and came home. I am so give out right now I could go to sleep so easily. Yawnnnn


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