Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

My Cousins Wife had her baby. Premature

Well yet another baby is born. Dang i'm surrounded everywhere I go and everything I seem to read is Babies!!
My Cousins wife the one I wrote about a couple of entries ago had her baby last night. A Girl, They have 3 boys, Twins from her another relationship and then a boy who's around 2 with my cousin and now a girl. She was premie. Only 4 lbs. My mom said she was 3 weeks early. I asked my mom if maybe just Maybe T's Smoking and eatting Crap may have had anything to do with the baby being so small And early? @@ Rolleyes!! Her Ob was after her from day 1 to Quit smoking! And did she? NO! It Pisses me off so much! She could not give a Crap about her other kids so Ok lets have another one And not tell DH your trying to get pregnant! My cousin about had a heart attack when he found out she was preg. Whatsha want to bet she'll get pregnant again in less then a Year? Arrgghh! She's a Loser!


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

{{hugs}} I know that this would be hard on you even in the best of circumstances. Being that she does what she does, this has to be even worse.

I hope the baby is ok....

9:49 PM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

I am sorry Shelly her is a great big {{{{{{ shelly}}}}}} from me! Love ya!

7:57 AM


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