Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Friday, May 05, 2006


My poor Girl had a bad nightmare last night. The poor sweet girl ran into our room early this morning at around 2:00 am. She was so upset and crying. She dreamed the her Aunt Paula had an accident and cut her hand off. :( I had to hold her for a long time to get her to calm down. She didn't sleep good after that. And that ment that I didn't sleep good either. A queen size bed is just not big enough for Me, Billy and a wiggly 5 year old. lol. I've been having problems sleeping for about 4 days now. I am soo tired when I go to bed but then I just can't fall asleep. I Really need a nap right now. *Yawn* But Shelbie is up for the day and I really need to get some stuff done before we go get groceries.
I have to Substitute this coming Mon, tues and wednesday for 1 st grade. I am nervous about that. I've never subbed for 1 class 3 days in a row like that. Yikes! I know it'll be ok, it's just the Thought of it lol.
School is out on May 23rd so I need to sub as much as I can before then.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor baby. I hope she is over it this morning, and that you both get a good nights sleep.

7:25 AM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

I understand about the no room, we have a queen and half the time chad, audrey, taylor and I are all in there. oh how we teeter on the edge LOL
I hope no more nightmares for her.

11:57 AM


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