Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Today would have been my C-Section Day

For some reason I guess I blocked it out until I looked at the Pocket calendar in my purse. I had been using it when I was pregnant and I had written down today as my C-section date. Well it was a tentitive date anyway but the Dr said that it would be Ok with him. So if I hadn't lost Zachary today I would have been holding him in my arms. Wow. That brings up a lot of emotions. Remembering when both Sam and shelbie were born. Thinking of how it could have been this time around. Thinking about Sam and shelbies reactions to their new baby brother. Seeing Billy hold him. But instead today my arms are empty. And a Big place in my heart is empty too. And to think that my baby boy could have shared a Birthday with a wonderful sweet little girl named Audrey. I'm doing ok. A few tears but i'm ok. I know Zachary is looking down on me today, I can almost feel him near me. I just wish that just Once I could have seen him. Held him for just a moment.

Zachary I know you are up in heaven playing with all the other baby angels. I bet I know some of their mommys down here. Mommy misses you so much baby. My heart is so Sad today sweetie. It would have been the perfect day for you to have been born. Your brother and sister would have loved you so much. And your daddy would have been so proud of you. So until mommy can be with you in Heaven please sit close to Jesus and listen to him, I want to hear all about your time in heaven when I get up there. I Love you so much baby boy and mommy misses you with every breath I take.
Love you so much


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

Zachary...you are much missed little man...look down upon your mommy and let her know that you are ok...

Shelly, there is a special place for all of our angels...I know they are all together. While I wish they could all be here with their mommies, I try to take some comfort in the fact that maybe we all meet b/c our angels have met. They are with eachother.

Love to you hon...

9:54 PM

Blogger Shelly said...

Thanks Jen. It helps me so much to think that all our babies are together playing and happy and not sad or sick ever. I'll miss him everyday but I know that he would have only suffered and then died if he'd been born.
Love you too Girl!!!

10:47 AM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

Oh Shelly, My heart hurts so badly for you, I so wish that this was celbration day for you. I was so looking foward to meeting your baby. I know one day we meet I just wish it was here on earth. I pray for an unboundance of peace you.

11:37 AM


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