Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hot Lazy Thursday

Gosh it's hot today! Sunny and So hot!
I was wanting warmer weather but Man not this hot yet. I'm ready to get out there in the yard and fight shelbie for the garden hose to cool off lol. I think i'd have a fight on my hands for sure. :) She loves loves loves Water! i really need to get them a pool. But $$ is a little tight right now. Maybe when we get paid for mowing the church yard? maybe.
Today i've been soo lazy. Maybe because it's so hot in the house. I've done 1 load of laundry and i'm done. I need to put the dishes in the dishwasher but i'll do that later lol.
Billy is going to be home really late tonight. He's hauling hay for his friend D. I have no idea what time he'll get home since today he's working at his job till 7:00 pm and then going straight to the hay field. Hauling hay is soo much easier and Cooler at night. They probably won't get it all done tonight since D is bailing the hay today and probably won't get it all bailed today. So that means that Tomorrow night he'll probably have to haul hay again. :( I was wanting to take the kids to the DriveIn movies tomorrow night. They are showing ice Age 2. The kids have seen it but want to see it again.
I need to call the school and see when the Substitute Checks will go out. I need that money to get my Eyes checked. I need either new glasses Or i'm really hoping for contacts! Never had them before though so that'll be a change. I only wear my glassess now when i'm on the computer and reading. But I find myself using them more often. Yuck! lol
But so far that is how my day is going. It's so hot out that even the kids dont' want to go outside and play, Unless it's in the water. Man my water bill is going tobe High!


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

it sis going to get really hot here now as well gosh one extreme to the next!
I have contacts now ans love them, I on the other hand need to get glasses for the times where contacts are bugging my eyes like this time of year with allergies.
I hope you can get them a pool we got ours on sale for under $100 and it was just starting the season so hopefully you can find one for a good deal as well.

6:04 AM


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