Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Swimming in the Pool, Lazy Saturday and Not wanting to cook

Wow now That is a title. lol. today the kids and I went to Walmart to get a Pool, I saw one yesterday there that was one of those One Set type, Where you just pour the water in and it inflates itself. Well I Thought the one of sale for $49.99 would work for them But it was only a 8ft X 2.5 Foot pool. Wayy to small. But then the 12 Ft X 36 IN one was To expensive! Arrgghh! So I ended up getting them a Plastic one that you just fill up and play in. I Really Really wanted a Bigger one but $$ Wise it just didn't work out. Oh well, Sams only complained TWICE about it. @@ Kids! Gotta love em' though. At least Shelbie is Loving it! And it'll give them something to do and get cooled off some. I Wish we had the $$ for one of those HUGE above ground pools from a Pool place. That would be Awsome! But we'll make do with what we have lol.
Since we've been home The kids got In the pool and Sam stayed in it for about 15 minutes. Shelbie stayed in it aLot longer. She got out and watched a bit of SpiderMan 2 we bought today and then She got Back in the pool. lol. I'm just tired today. I have No energy and don't want to do anything. I am doing a little laundry just so it doesn't take over the laundry room lol And soon i've got to find Something for supper but i'm Soo not in the mood to cook. Arrgghh I wish I had soemthing quick and easy to fix. *yawn* And I wish I could take a Nap *Yawn*


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

I would love to be able to get a pool when the little one comes home. But...ain't gonna' happen LOL. My friend just put one in and the expense...I will stick to the little plastic one too.

I can come and after playing in the rain me and you can sit in the kiddie pool sipping cocktails. LOL...wouldn't that be a sight!

5:51 PM


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