Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Sams appt and Night update

First Jen(EC) Sweetie you are more then welcome to fly on down here girl and play with my kids in the Rain ANY time you ever want. They would Love that. ;)

Well Sams appt with his therapist Melissa went Really well yesterday morning. She was supposed to be there at 9:00 am but was a little late. No big deal really.
We talked for a few minutes and then she asked Sam to show her his room and stuff. They went in there With the door open ( a mom can't be to careful) and talked. I could hear them from the living room too. They talked for about 40 min or so and then came out and melissa and I went outside on the porch and talked. She told me that when/if Sam gets scared that there is someone outside then I/And or Billy should get a flashlight and take him outside and look and show him that there isn't anyone out there. Also she told me that she told Sam that he needs to Face his fears by Staying in his room at night and not calling for me and billy over and over. She also has some fun things in the works for the kids she sees this summer. One of them is a wildlife Rehab center. It's not to far from here and they let kids come in for an hour and Volunteer and help with the feeding and taking care of the abandoned and hurt animals. Sam was sooo excited about that! He Loves animals alot. All in all I think it went really well yesteday morning and she's coming back Next thursday at 9:00 am agian. Yikes! that's early lol.
Sam did So great last night, he went right to bed and I said his prayers with him and tucked him in. I told him to tell me Anything he needed to Now because Daddy and I were going to bed soon and we were not coming into his room when he called. So he told me a few things and then went right to bed! Wow! He stayed in his room All night! Yee haw! I went to bed at 10:00 and slept all night. ahhhhh I needed that sooo much. And another great thing Shelbie didn't have any nightmares last night. Thank you God. It was so nice to get a good night sleep and my kiddos too.


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

sounds like you have a great therapist! can we share her with my sarah? LOL
Congrats ont he night sleep, we had tay in ours lst night kicking the crapola out of us! KIDS! LOL

6:40 PM

Blogger Shelly said...

Sure you got it Sweetie. Come on down and Sam would be Happy to share her with Sarah.

1:57 PM

Blogger Earthchild618 said...

That is great Shelly! I used to run school groups thru the wildlife refuge that I interned at. It is really a wonderful experience for the kids.

I am crossing my fingers for many more sleepful nights!

5:49 PM


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