Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Lazy Dog! And Attack of the Crazy Dog

Our Dog Ollie is a great pernees sorry if that's spelled wrong lol. He's going on 3 years old now and he's Huge! Butfor as Big as he is he is The sweetest doggy in the entire world. The kids have always wrestled with him and played with him and he's Never once snapped or growled at them. He's also a scardy cat. When people drive up he'll bark and let us know they are here but then he'll run off into the yard to stay away from them. lol. Big baby! He got sick with something awhile back and we were getting ready to take him to the vet when he got better. but he's not been the same since then. He's not as hyper as he used to be :( but still my loving sweetie pie. He's my dog. And omg I love him to pieces!

Roxie is our Black Lab dog. She's only about 1 year old and she's a Crazy dog. lol her original owners were going to kill her since she was dragging stuff into their yard! :( Stupid reason! So Billy rescued her and we took her in. She is soo sweet. She Loves to chase the kids and have them chase her. She's Fast! And she's so smart! She learned to SIT in 1 day! And learned to Fetch in 1 day. She's awsome! She'll bring the ball or toy back to you but sometimes she wants you to chase her to get it. lol. Her and Ollie are Best buddies. And honestly she doesn't tear stuff up like her other owners said she did! humm!
I'll post some pictures here in a minute.

You can see Ollie is the Master over our Porch swing! You can't get him out of it. lol. And Roxie wants to share it with her.


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