Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Monday, June 12, 2006


I am sitting here with a Killer headache. My head is Pounding and my eyes hurt and my tummy feels so yucky. I think it may be a migrane. I'm so glad that the kids are playing so great together right now. I am going to go lay down on the couch and see if it'll go away. I've got soo much to do but my head hurts to much to do it. :(


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

Migraines suck. I hope you are feeling better soon sweetie.

10:31 PM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

I hope you kicked the headache.

5:19 AM


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