Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Girl Your Husband Love you!

It was so funny and weird at the same time. yesterday me and the kids stopped by the store near our house. Well we live in such a small town that just about everyone knows everyone lol. There are a couple of new women working at the store now that I don't know very well. But when ive talked to them they are really nice.
Well we were waiting for our lunch we ordered yesterday and Robin one of the girls started talking to me. She said "your Billys wife right?" and I said Yes. Then she said "OMG Girl That man LOVES you!!" It was so weird and funny at the same time. lol. " I told her " I know lol" and she said "Oh but he talks about you all the time he's down here" Apparently one of the first times Billy ever met her she was a little to friendly for his liking so he made sure she knew that he was Married! Yeah Billy!! Way to go Babe! I don't think she was hitting on him since she is almost old enough to be his mom but anyway. lo.l
I Know how much BIlly loves me. He tells me alot. But it's kinda nice to hear it from a Stranger. LOL>


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

Shelly that is so awsome to hear, We need that.

to your other post, Sarah sounds just like shelbie! O My gosh its driving me MAD! I just sent her to her room cuz she cried, because we were not leaving right away, her agenda got all messed up and she flew off the handle! arggghhhh

Sorry about the fishing day :(

6:41 AM


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