Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Thyroid Check up

Today I had an appt with my Dr to recheck my thyroid. Well it was the nurse practionaer. She was really nice. I weighed in at WAY to much! I about threw up seeing how much I weighed! :( I hate that and I Have to do something!
Anyway she looked at my hands too, i've been having problems with them. She said I have Eczema! She wrote me a presp for meds for that but I had some here already because Sam has it too.
The lady who took my blood did a Really great job! Thank you God. I Hate having blood taken! I mean Hate it. But the lady who did it today was Really great! I hardly felt it and she was really fast. Yah! I should get my results in a week. I almost wish I was a tiny bit Hyper thyroid so that I could lose some weight.


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