Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Monday, January 07, 2008


Well I finished my first weekend at my new job. Shuuuu. I'm glad that's over LOL Yesterday about kicked my ass though. I was the Only one at the front counter and I had a Big line of people and trying to take food orders, check people out and answer the phone. I about went nuts! But Thank God it slowed down a bit and I was able to sit down for a little bit. I think it's going to work out for us. Thank God for Billys mom & Dad. They were total God sends this weekend. They took care of the kids for us because I was working and Billy was helping his friend M work on his new house. I'll be sooo glad when they are done with that!
Back to the job lol. I was seriously thinking about quitting. I know I know I just started it. lol, but I miss my kids something fierce! I'm SO not used to being away from them on weekends. They've Always been with me or their daddy and he'd usually only take them places for a few hours and then bring them home. lol. He's a Total work-a-holic. but it's ok. I'm use to it. lol. So it was Really hard on me to have to have someone else take care of them. But Billys mom told me that she Really wants to help us out so that helped me so much. I Know she Loves having the kids over. It's so lonely for her just her and Dad. I Thank God for them so much. This coming weekend My parents will be watching the kids. Billy has to work all weekend so it's my parents turn with the rug rats. I'm so Thankful for them too. I get paid this coming friday. Wonder how much it'll be? God I really pray that it's alot.


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