Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I'm Stressed out! We have 3 trucks, Billys 1976 Ford that he drives, a 1993 Ford that he drove before the 76 one and then Mine a 1996 Ford. Well my truck has been sitting in the driveway for about 5 months now. it needs a new steering column. I Could drive it but from what they say the steering could Snap and I wouldn't be able to steer so for safetys sake I don't drive it. So I have been driving the 93 ford. It's beat all to hell and back and will only hold 3 of us! It was ok for awhile and now the windshield wipers are dead! yeap deader then a doornail! So yesterday I had to sub and I ended up having to drive my FILs truck because it was raining! Then on top of that it's a standard and it's getting harder and harder to shift! I could hardly get the shitty thing in gear yesterday! Billy is on the kick that we need a new car. Ummmmm How? With what our good looks? That ain't going to cut it. lol. We can't afford a new car. unless I went back to work at either a P.T job or F/T job. But then I have to figure out who would take care of the kids on sick days or snow days or times off from school. My parents would but I would never ask them to take away from Their lives to do that. And B's parents can't. I really don't have anyone around that would or could. Guess I need to pray hard about it. I know that God will provide us a way to make it. It's just frustrating!


Blogger -blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Yahoo! Have I got the relief for you, maam...

In this remedial, avant-garde trilogy, something bigger is talking:


“A must read if youse wanna live” -Father Sarducci, SNL

7:54 AM


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