Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Just a bunch of Stress!

Sorry to complain but it's my blog I guess. lol.
Things just seem to be going from bad to badder lately. We're broke. And I hate it! Of course everyone hates being broke. :( And billy is So stressed out about his job he's grumpy and takes it out on us. Well not really the grumpy part but he sulls up and won't smile or talk. I hate when he does that. But I Totally understand it. I feel the same way. You get used to having X amount of money each month and when that is gone it's hard! Damn hard! I took Shelbie to the Dr today and found out that some how, and I Totally don't understand how, we had a $42.00 balance from FIVE years ago!!!! How the Hell is that?! So of Freaking course I had to pay that! $42.00 I didn't plan on Spending! We've got a $144.00 Elect bill to pay Plus around a $200.00 Insurance payment due Next week! I had to transfer money from our Savings that we use to pay our Mortagage to Checking to pay that. Now our mortagage will be late. Shit! I need a job! A Steady job that I know what days i'm going to w ork. I wish I could say that Subbing is going to work out but it's so unpredictible! The money is nice when I sub $60.00 a day but I don't get paid till the very end of the month. I need it now of course. I Hate this. I hate the stress it puts on Billy. And on me.
I just have to keep telling myself that God will provide.


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

I keep trying to tell myself the same thing. Somehow, someway it will be ok.

Hang in there...

3:37 PM


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