Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Me that is. I'm sick. and oh man I Hate it! It started Tuesday when I was working the election, I started Sneezing and sneezing. I figured it was from being in that super dusty election place. They hold it in our old community building and it's dirty and dusty. I figure this is allergies because the Allergy counts are through the roof. Then Tuesday night I kept on sneezing and my sinuses started clogging up. Yesterday was miserable. :( Sneezing and my nose is both stuffed up And running. Plus a bit of a cough. Please God don't let this mess go into my Chest. I want to get over this crud Very soon. Please.
We're supposed to go out with Billys 2 sisters and his brother and his "Friend" and a couple of my SILs friends for BIllys Oldest sisters B-day. She's never been to a bar or club so we're taking her the rounds! She'll love it. I just hope that I feel up to going. This morning after I got the kids on the bus I laid back down and dozed off and on for about 1 hour. It helped a little.


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

I hope you are feeling better now hon!

5:47 PM


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