Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Back to school tomorrow.

Man where the heck did summer go?! It seems like it flew by so fast. And tomorrow is back to school! Yikes! As far as clothes, shoes and school supplies the kids are ready, But the Kids Aren't ready lol. I am in a way because it's time for them to get busy doing something other then fighting and being bored. can Someone tell my how in the world kids with sooooo many toys, a pool, swingset, trampoline and bikes can possibly be bored?! I'm at a loss to figure it out! but they both are/were. Sam is going into the 5th grade. How did that happen?! My baby boy is getting so big! He's almost as tall as me. The top of his head reaches my eyes! He's now wearing a size 12 jeans and size MENS 8 shoes. OMG he's going to be wayy taller then me. well actually a LOT of people are taller then me LOL I've been praying hard for Sam. Praying that God will help him to come out of his shell a bit more and make more friends and not isolate himself so much. He's such a loner at times and it makes my heart Hurt so much to think of him alone at school with no friends. His best friend from last year isn't in his class this year. Oh how I prayed they would be. But at least they'll be able to see each other on the playground. That is if Sam takes the inititive(sp) to talk and play with him.
Shelbie was/is disapionted that her bffs aren't in her room this year too. But like I told her she'll be able to play with them outside on the playground and they can all still be buddies. And she'll make new friends. It absolutly amazes me Just how differant my kids are. Sam doesn't make friends to easily and shelbie is a person Magnet. She's more like her daddy that way. I take awhile to warm up to people. lol.
I just pray that this year is a Wonderful year for both of my babies and that they adjust to the changes in school with Ease.

A new school year also means back to work for me too. Oh man i'm both excited about it and dreading it too. lol. I Like subbing alot and with Billys job hours changed we Need the extra income Big time. but i'm praying that they won't need a Sub for about 2 or so weeks so that I can get somethings done around here that I Really need to get done. It's just so much easier to do them alone then with the kids running here and there getting into stuff. I have been praying hard that I get to Sub a Lot this year. Last year was a bit of a bust but most of it was My fault. With helping my grandparents etc.. I couldn't/Didn't sub as much as I needed to. Hopefully this year will be better.
Hey it's only 9 more months till Summer Vacation. Wonder if I should start a Ticker for that? LOL


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

All of your fears that you mentioned I already have and Maddox isn't even 1 year old yet! It is so tough being a Mommy sometimes...to have to watch your babies grow and struggle. I kind of want to cry. I am screwed when my kid is old enough to have these issues LOL.

10:32 AM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

We have the same issues here, Jordan and her drama and Sarah in her lack of friends. soooo heartbreaking!!! sarahs BF went to another school all together this year :(

6:25 PM


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