Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Kinda Worried about Billy

I'm getting a bit worried about my wonderful husband. Ever since he took this new position at work he's been So tired and Totally worn out. Plus the job he's doing now is a lot more stressful in that if he doesn't do it right Bad things could happen back there. Like an Explosion! or something like that. That IS the worse case serno but still it's a chance! Plus it's so amazingly HOT back there. He works over a furnace at times and it's blisteringly hot. So like last night when he came home he was hot and exhausted and a bit grumpy. I hate that. I know he can't help it and it's not like he's that way all the time it's just that we're so happy to see him and he's kinda distant and moody. it makes me very insecure at times i'll admit. I just want him to be happy and be happy with Me and the kids. I know this probably has nothing at all to do with me. Or at least I pray it doesn't anyway. But it's hard Not to take it personally. I've been praying hard that this week on vacation will be fun and he'll be able to relax and do what he wants to do with Us and we can have fun together as a family. Please God.


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

It really isn't you sweetie. He has to adjust to the new stresses of the new job. It is a very difficult time for him which makes it a very difficult time for you too. Sending hugs...

6:09 PM


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