Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Campers Clean. Let's Go!

Billy pulled the camper around to the front of the house last night and i've spent All morning long cleaning that sucker out! Our poor Old camper has just about had it. It's literally falling apart. Today I noticed that my kitchen faucet is broken compeltly off! So no using that this year :( Oh well it's not like i've got many dishes to do anyway and it only ran Cold water because we don't turn on the heater in that old thing. I'm to afraid to turn the pilet light on in there. So at least it's Clean now and ready to start packing for our week. That means a LOT of Clothes and toys and the TV and DVD player and Game boys and oh did I mention Toys?! lol. Coloring books and of course shelbies 'baby dog" that she has to sleep with. lol. I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow after Church. BIllys mom/Dad are going to keep the kiddos for me for a couple of hours. Since My extended cab truck is on the fritz i'm having to drive Billys white truck and it's so much smaller and not an extended cab. So if I took the kids with me shopping i'd never have enough room for all the stuff I need to get. Cases of bottled water and Pop and food and you name it! It takes a Lot of food and snacks to get through a week at the lake. lol. But i'm so ready and the kids and Billy are too.l


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

Have a wonderful time hon!

6:10 PM


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