Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Lazy Summer

I feel so lazy today. *yawn* I guess the last few days have caught up with me. Monday me and the kids went to the library and a few other places and then came back and cleaned the house.
Tuesday I took the kids down to my Inlaws house and we picked corn. Omg we had Sooo much Corn! we had a HUGE box full of it. It took me over 3 hours from start to finish I shucked it, Cleaned it and blanched it and cut it off the cob and froze it. Man that makes me tired just remembering it. lol.
The kids have been having a Blast in our pool. It's not as deep as I would Love it to be but they don't seem to mind to much. I'll have to post some pictures as soon as I can. They are so cute out there playing away. lol. Sam does have a Sun burn but it's from where my mom took him and shelbie and my Niece and Nephew to my cousins pool to play. She forgot the sunscreen and Sam is sooo fair complected that he fried! Thank God Billy has some cooling spray that helps it. I haven't gotten brave enought to get in it yet. The water is Way to cool for me. *shiver!* But both kiddos are like little fish and shelbie is learning to swim! She's about got the doggy paddle down pat. Plus she loves putting sams goggles on and going under water. Sam is a little guppy! He's been swimming for years now. When he learned he just took off.
Tomorrow is my dentist appt. I'm Praying it's my last fillings. Please God. I'm dreading it sooo much. I'm gettting the Gas this time! I hated the lower teeth they did last time, it hurts! So they are doing top and bottom tomorrow on my left side and I want the gas! Yep i'm a Chicken! lol.


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

I love fresh picked corn. Yummy!

You have to post pics of the kids in the pool...and of the kittens...they must be huge by now!!!

9:17 PM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

shelly i think it all sounds perfect!

7:25 PM

Blogger Elaina said...

Yum corn, I can't belive I haven't had any this summer yet. Good luck at the dentist!

10:17 PM


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