Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


WEll there haven't been many lol. Nah really there have been a few.
We had a Great vacation at the lake again this year. It was so nice and sunny and only in the mid to low 90's not 110 like Last year. Last year was sick! We h ad a great time swimming and going out on the boats and trout fishing. We didn't get to fish much due to the millions of canoers that were going through where we were fishing. Sam was ornery and threw a rock out there and got Really close to hitting a boat. He wasn't trying to actually Hit anyone, just throwing rocks out of bordom but he got close. I told him next time throw it a little closer LOL The kids had a blast and Thankfully there were no bad injuries. Sam had a bike wreck and Thank God it only gave him scrapes. It could have been worse. My best friend S and I have already starting planning our vacation next year. If Gods willing we're all going together! Yeah!! We're talking about a beach somewhere in Texas. Gulf shores or Orange beach. Somewhere like that. Sounds Wonderful to me!
Since we've been home i've been trying to get the kids ready for back to school. It's Nuts just all the stuff that they have to have for school! Shelbies school supply list was a Full page long! and sams though shorter was Expensive! It's crazy! Plus clothes and new shoes. Dang we're broke now! Seriously broke! I hate it. We're trying to get Billys truck fixed, the brakes locked up on him the day we were leaving for vacation. he had to put new brakes on the back and a new brake drum plus a master cylinder and now some kind of belt. MY truck needs work too. Thank God for 3 trucks or we'd be screwed! I've been without a truck a few days this week so far. It sucks! But heck it'll cost God only knows how much to fix my truck so we're focusing on Billys since it's a Bit cheaper to fix. But Not cheap by any means. I need to work but even though school is starting soon it'll probably be a few weeks or at least a month or more before they start needing subs. *sigh* I got used to having extra money. And now that it's fastly (is that a word?) going out of our hands it's worrying me. Billys check this week was $25.00! Yep. $25.00! He was off 2 days on our vacation so he didn't get paid for those days. Yep it hurts BIG TIME!
I'm hitting Ebay big time trying to Sell to get money to turn around and Buy kids stuff. Thank God that Sam doesnt' really need shirts, just jeans and he's got enough I'm thinking for now. Shelbies another story. That kid is growing like a weed. Sams getting Taller too but shelbies is crazy! She had to have all new jeans and pants and her tops got bigger too. mostly because she's like me, Short legs and Long upper body. So she has to have bigger tops so that her tummy doesnt' shine. lol.
Now all I need for her is Shoes. God please help me to find some Cheap.


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

Welcome home! I loved the pics.

School shopping...something I am never going to look forward to.

4:03 AM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

hey nice to read your update :)

11:24 AM


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