Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Busy Saturday planned.

We heat with wood. A wood stove in our living room. Our house is only 1,200 sq feet. Pretty small by todays standards but we love it. to save money in the winters we heat with a wood stove. Which I both Love and Hate. Love because it costs Nothing to use. It doesn't make our elect bill go up, it doesn't cost us anything to buy wood because Billy cuts our own wood. Plus I love the warmth that it lets off in the house. ahhh! But then I Hate it because of the mess. We get wood chips and bark all over the place. I am constantly vacumming and sweeping up the mess. Plus making sure that there is plently of wood on the porch, kindling, you name it to start said fire in the stove. But to me the Loves out weigh the hates. I'd Love to have central heat/ air one day. maybe once we pay off the house in another 3-4 years. of course we have big plans for when "After the house is paid off" lol. a big deck, maybe add a playroom onto the house. the list goes on...
Well anyway today i'm crazy busy, mostly In the house, laundry, dishes, moving furniture.. Plus we need to take the storage boxes Back out to the storage and start putting wood on the porch. Ahhh such is the life of a country family LOL


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

gosh shelly i can't even imagine the lengh of time put into heating your home souly buy the wood burner. But I do miss fires the smell of a fire burning on a cold day, but the soot mess yucko! LOL

3:38 PM


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