Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

What a Week!

I should actually say Weekend too. This past week has been busy. Big time. Monday I was off, Tuesday I subbed for 1st grade, Wed off. Thursday kindergarten and then Friday 1st grade again. i'll tell ya after a week of dealing with little kiddos all day I was bushed. Plus then having to come home and Cook and clean and do all the housework stuff that Never EVER gets done unless I'm the one to do it! You'd think since BIlly was laid off Thurs & Friday he'd have helped me out a little. Nope think again. of course thursday was a busy day for him too. He had to go to the unemployment office to file for unemployment. then later that day run 21/2 hours away for his dentist appt. But friday would have been nice if he would or Could have done something around here. *whatever!* I'm used to it. doing it All! Yesterday and today i'm cleaning and doing the Endless laundry that has piled up to the ceiling. He's cutting wood with the kids and I Finally got around to going to get groceries a little while ago. Let's just say CRAP! I hate buying groceries. Because no matter how I try I Still spend Way more then I wanted to. I even use the calculator on my Cell to add up stuff as I put it in the cart. Forget Fresh food. I can't afford it. I hate this.
Man it seems that all my posts lately have been bad. Or at least bitchy. So here's a good thing. lol. We had family dinner last night @ my mom/dads house. Almost all of our family was there. including my Uncle who's in from California. He's such a sweetie. I miss him while he's gone. I got to talk to my cousin L who's over seas with her DH, she's been dealing with bi-polar and manic depressive. She sounded pretty good last night on the phone. I gave her mom my Email addy so she can send me L's. I want to keep in close as possible touch with her and be there for her. She's so alone over there.
She'lbie has Cheer camp this coming week. She's SO Beyond excited! it's after school so i'll b e picking them up. I'm Praying hard that I can Sub this week so it's not an extra trip to town just for cheer camp. Plus I NEED to work. Christmas is coming up and i'm scared as to where we're going to find the $$ for stuff. I'm Thankful to God that I got a jump on shopping though so that I do have a few things for my family. But there is still Sooo much more to get.


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