Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

e had such a Wonderful Christmas. So busy but so great too. Sunday was nice, we went to church that morning and then back to church that night for the Christmas play. The kids did Great! I took video of it but not pictures. Monday morning we got up and got ready and headed to my parents for lunch and presents. The kids loaded up and had a blast. Sam had a fit though when he got some clothes from my mom/Dad. He got upset and threw them down on the floor. I was so embarrased! I read him the riot act and made him apologize to them. Next year we're going to do something differant like help out at the homeless shelter or salvation army. I think my kids need to learn and realize just how blessed they are to have all that they have.
That night we went to my Grandmas house. It was so hard because it was the first Christmas without my Grandpa. The house was empty without his pressence in the house. I held it together till one of my uncles was reading the Christmas story from the bible and I started to cry. my Grandpa always read it before. I didn't start to Bawl and almost lose it till one of my Other uncles was passing out presents and gave me a gift sack with a bear in it. It had a note on it and a picture of my Grandpa. OMG I just started bawling. It was/ is a memory bear and has the most beautiful note on it. It just brought back how much I miss my Grandpa. He was one of The most wonderful men in the world. Always putting God and others before himself. I had to hide my face from my grandma because I didn't want her to get upset seeing me cry. I finally just had to leave the house because I was afraid of making a complete fool of myself crying. My Aunt M and grandma made them with some help from My mom. I will Cherish that bear forever.
Christmas morning dawned way to early for my liking. lol. Shelbie of course was the first one up and couldn't Wait to wake us all up too. I insisted on having some coffee before presents though. I wasn't woken up enough. lol. Both kids were sooo excited about their presents. We had Sam Totally snowed about his playstation 2. He'd been wanting one for a Long time and i'd told him that there was no way we'd be able to get him one due to them being so expensive. I wish I had a pic of his face when he opened that box up. LOL Shelbie Loved her stuff too and has been playing with it all non-stop.
We headed down to my Inlaws house for lunch about 11:00 am. We had the best lunch and the house was full of family. Loved it!! The kids cleaned up on presents again. :) and I got a gift card from my inlaws and my BIL got B & me a $50.00 gift card. Money is Really tight right now so i'm afraid that both of those gift cards will probably be used on groceries this week. :( Hate that I might have to do that but i'm thankful that I have them to use if needed. Oh well.
All in all it was a Wonderful Christmas. But it amazes me that I get all excited and rush rush getting things ready for it and then it's over. It's a bit of a let down. Like where did it go? kwim? it was over so fast. Yesterday the kids were wanting to go to town So badly and spend their gift cards so I took them, Sam had $65.00! and shelbie had $35.00! amazing! between gift cards and everything else. I was Very pissed at Target though. My mom had gotten Shelbie a leapster game for her leapster we got her for Christmas. Well it was diego and shelb Hates diego. lol So we took it back. We didn't have the reciept but I Knew that my mom had paid $20.00 for it. Well the lady at the service desk was snotty! I know what it's like to work retail the day after christmas but come on! She gave us a gift card for $16.00! I told her that we just wanted to trade it for another one but nope, gift card it was! And wouldn't you know it, All the leapster cartridges there were $25.00! So of course to get her another one we had to pay More money! I was sooo pissed off! I'm going to contact Target and find out Why they did that! heck if they'd told me that they could only give me a certain amount due to not having a reciept then I would have found out if my mom had it at home! But I wasn't given that option!
Today i've stayed home all day. Ahhhh it was nice. lol Of course I cleaned like crazy and did laundry and put the Christmas stuff away but it was nice to just stay here in my sweats and ratty T=shirt lol Billy took the kids to Walmart a little while ago, he got a gift card too and was itching to spend it. lol

Hope Everyone had a Wonderful Christmas!!


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