Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Working mom

For the last 12 years i've had the title of Stay at home mom. I guess I still considered myself a sahm even though I was substitute teaching. I guess because it was only a few days a week if that. Then last weekend I started a new job. Just on Friday nights and weekends but still it's a job. lol.
This past week I subbed Tue, Wed, & fri and then worked at the store Fri night and today and tomorrow.
I'm no longer a sahm. :( It makes me sad in a way because it's the end of an era. lol.
And now I have to figure out how to get it all done. I used to have time here at home to do stuff. Laundry, dishes, etc... but now I have limited time. it's hard! I honestly didn't realize just how hard it was/is. How do I do this? Seriously!
Billy has offered to do things but he's so busy too that it's hard for Him to do much either.
Off topic- I got my first paycheck from the store. WHOOOOOO! It's was Great! More then i thought for sure. I asked my cousin who owns the store about it because I felt it was to much but she said if it was a mistake she'd eat it and for me not to worry about it. I cashed it and bought groceries with it etc. and was able to give Billy money for once LOL.. I really like this job so far. I pray it just gets better and better.


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