Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The kids Parent/ Teacher conferances.

Sam and shelbies PT conferances were yesterday. Shelbie has All S's & E's Which mean Satisfactory and Excellent. Plus she's reading at level 4. Higher then where she should be now!! My smart girl! Her teacher just Loves her. She kept saying how much fun she was to have in class and all the funny things shelbie does. It was so much fun to hear that. And I was so proud too. lol.

Sams PT conferance was Excellent too. He made All A's!! Plus the honor roll again. She said she had had him tested for Gifted and talented but he was so nervous during the test that she just left him alone and didn't want to make him More nervous. I honestly don't know where my kids get their smarts. I did Horrible in school. lol.

Dr appt today

Well I got in to see what I thought would be a caring Dr since my mom/ dad have known him forever but NOPE! I mean he was nice and all but took Maybe 10 min with me at the most. Barely felt my stomach or listened to me and pronounced that I have Acid reflux! Ooooo kkkkk. Sure. So I now take Nexxium on top of Everything else I take. I'm Fucking falling apart! One little piece at a freaking time!

Please God let this work. Please


I took your advice Jen and i'm Renaming my blog! LOL That was to funnny!! May actually have to if I have to keep blogging that shit!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Spotting/ bleeding better.

Today anyway. lol. It seems like this blog has become the " Am I spotting today?" blog! Hate that but hey I gotta document this crud. Today spotting is really light. and brownish. Please let this prometruim be working.

My Face looks Horrible.

Ever since this hormone crud started i've been getting acne. I never had a problem with acne as a teenager but man i've got it now. it's mostly on the lower part of my face. My chin and cheeks. It's horrible and miserable. I'm praying that once I can get my hormones under control. ( Notice the Positive there lol.) it'll help my skin too.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Took first Prometruim. TMI!!

I got my presp filled and took my first Prometrium pill last night. Friday night. Today the bleeding is a Lot lighter. I have no idea if this will work or not but i'm Praying hard that it will. I'd like to have my life and my Body back!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Another Great day but the Spotting is back :( TMI!

Well today Was a great day again. Sunny and warm. Billy and the kids and I ran to town to get Railroad ties to make above ground garden beds. Also walmart of course and Pizza hut. yum! I ate mostly salad but did have a few small pieces of pizza. But nothing like I used to eat at all! But when I went to the rest room at walmart I saw that the bleeding is back! :( All morning is was super light brown and then BAM it's back red! C R A P! I noticed too that I felt like I do when my period starts. The achy feeling low in my abdomen. humm!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Great Day!

What a Great day today is! The weather man kept saying that it was/ Is going to storm but not yet. lol. So Shelbie has been after me all weekend and this week to go to the park. So we loaded up today and went. it was so much fun! I acted like a big kid myself. lol. It wasn't to awfully sunny but it's warm and nice outside. windy but still great. We spent over an hour at the park running and playing tag on the Huge play set. I'm sure if anyone would have been there besides us they'd have thought I was nuts running around after my kids. :) But I didn't care! It was Fantastic. But man it showed me just how out of shape I really am! Dang Sam and shelbie ran circles around me. lol. The kids had a Blast too. We came home and ate lunch of Fish filtes and shrimp. I found a great deal on pre-cooked shrimp at Aldis the other day and I didn't realize just how much the kids Loved it. I knew Sam liked it but man they ate it Big time! I ate a bit of it but the kids got the most. I think they ate so much they could just about breath under water now. lol.

Another Great thing is that the spotting is Really Really light brown today. Really light! Whooooo Hoooo! Maybe this progesterone is going to work? Please Please God.
I got my Books that I bought off Ebay. They are about Hormones and pre-menopuase and menopause by Dr. John Lee. A great friend of mine recommeded them and from what i've read so far he's Really informative about Hormones and progesterone creams etc.. I like what i've read so far. I'm going to look for Saliva tests at the drug store this weekend. I've heard that if you can find them they work Excellent in determining what hormones are off. I hope and Pray I can find them and they work for me.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Stopped the PhyoEstrogen

well after 3 days of taking the Estrogen I quit it. At first I thought it was going to help me but then it started making the spotting worse. in fact it was more like a period! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Scream! I hate this Shit so bad! I just want to have normal periods again and not spot and bleed. Poor Billy now has a non-exisent Sex life because of this crap! Poor me too! Now what? Hummm I have No hell of an idea!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Just documenting

Just wanted to document for my records.
I started the PhyoEstrogen the health food lady sold me last night. Plus started the progesterone cream again. Also spotting is very very very faint today. Don't know what that means really but wanted to put that here too.


Monday, March 12, 2007

Billy Got the Job!

Since it's been awhile since I blogged i realized that I'd forgotten to write about Billy getting the job he bid on! He got it!!!!!
The guy K who has/had the job before put in his 2 weeks notice last friday and Billy started training for it Sunday! I think he's really nervous about this new postition because it's So entriely differant then his old one but I have Complete faith in him. He's So smart and there is Nothing he can't do! Plus he says it's Really hot back where he'll be working. I'm not sure exactly what the job is called or really what he'll be doing lol. But it'll mean more security for Billy for when/If they go through lay offs again he'll have the Highest seniority! Plus a 60 cent a hour raise will be great too. lol. I just want this to be a job that he'll like to do and not one where he's dreading it.

Feeling Great!

Man i'm very happy to say that we're all better now. lol Gosh it's amazing what a week will do for a person. SHelbie and I are still on the Antibotics and will be for a few more days but even as horrible as it tastes i'll take it. :) Billy came down with this junk too but for some reason (Thank God) he didn't get nearly as sick as the kids and I did. He got most of it in his chest and not head like us. I was so worried about him. I hate him being sick too. :( But I think we're well finally and i'm praying Hard that this is the Last time we're sick for a very very very long time.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Dr appts. Chills and Feeling like Crap!

Here I sit barly able to stay in my Chair. I feel So horrible. I'm running a fever and Chilling like crazy. I took the kids in to the Dr today and she said that they Both had sinus infections. She gave shelbie an antibotic And allergy med and Sam an antibotic too plus Cough med. Shelbies the one who's coughing like crazy right now so I may give her a dose of it before bed. The sweet Dr/Nurse practioner gave shelbies antibotic a Refill too so I can go and get it and use it myself. I took an allergy pill but it hasn't done Shit yet. It's called Palgic. I've never heard of it before but hey it was free samples. lol. I am going to google to see how much I can take. On the box it says 1 4 mg tablet a day but it Does say unless dr says otherwise. I think I need other wise! The kids can't go back to school until Wednesday! They are So excited! lol. My cousin S called me needing me to sub 1/2 day thursday afternoon for her. I told her yes. I'm praying that was not a mistake. I pray i'm feeling a Lot better by then. * Man i'm So ready for bed right now*

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Kids Feel better but Guess what?

Oh i'm sure some one can guess.. Ok i'll give ya a hint. I caught it. Oh Ok i'll tell ya. Yep i'm now sick..... A G A I N ! Crap! Crap! Crap! Friday my allergies were bothering me and I took a Claritin D and it helped a lot. Then yesterday I felt ok shopping. Then sometime during the night I woke up to use the bathroom and my head was So stuffy. So I took a Claritin D and it didn't do anything! Today all i've done is blow my dang nose! My head is so yucky feeling and my chest is now tickly! I started taking the musinex again so Please God keep this out of my chest. I asked Billy if he went by a store today to pick up some musinex nasal. It works wonders.. I hope it will again. I'm So freaking sick of getting Sick. Please let this sickies end soon.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Yep AF is here!

Whooo Hooo! I'd call today The Day when AF Really started. Finally. But man i've had cramps for 2 days now! Today they are Painful! Not fun but i'm Really glad that AF is here.

AF.. Maybe?!

I started taking the meds the Dr gave me to start AF monday. Ever since I've had the crampies and back aches. Spotting yes but then I had that before I started the pills! Well it looks like AF may just be here now. Praise God!! well see if it lasts like it should. With my body and hormones you never know.

Both kids are Sick!

I hate it when the kids are sick. as a mom you want to make it all better for them and sometimes you can't. :( I hate that! Right now both kids are home again today. I knew shelbie would because she was crouping all night but I kinda figured Sam would go back today because he seemed a lot better yesterday afternoon. Nope. Billy got him up this morning and he was croupy too! I hate the croup! I hate the way it makes them sound like they can't breath. I Thank God I have an UPdraft machine where I can give them alllburteal to open their broncial tubes and help them some. My cousin let me borrow it years and years ago when Sam had pneumonia. I just kept it. Opps! lol. I'm sure she knows where it is and her kids are both older and don't need it.
I need to go and get them some more cough meds so that means a trip to town with both sick kids! But Billy is working and I don't want to leave them with someone else and make Them sick too. This is gonna be fun. Not!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Wow! Selling on Ebay!

My SIL P gave me a Bunch of jeans to sell on Ebay for her. She has her own Resale shop in her hair salon but jeans just don't sell good for her for some reason. She had some Really great brands too. Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle etc.. She said we'd split the money. So I listed 12 things on there for us and they are all ending either yesterday or today. I sold All the jeans I listed! Wow! One pair of american eagle jeans had some fraying on the hems and I told that in the listing and they sold for $10.50. She was selling them in her salon for $3.00. So I made a profit for her. I don't mind helping her out even if I don't make much I like doing it anyway. :) She did So much for us when I was in ICU. She kept the kids the first night and made sure they weren't scared and made it fun for them. She took them shopping and the movies. She's THE best aunt for shelbie and Sam and Shelbie idolizes her so much. Plus she gave us $300.00 for Christmas that year. We wouldn't have been able to buy much at all for the kids if she hadn't done that for us. And she did it out of the goodness of her heart. She's so great like that. :) Plus she always does our hair for free. And does a great job too! I'm just really glad to be able to pay her back if only a little bit. I've got quite a bit more to list too.
Plus we're going resale shopping saturday for my MILs B-day. I can't wait to go out with my MIL and 2 SILs. We always have so much fun together. I hope I can find some great stuff. Both kids need spring/summer stuff. They're both growing like weeds. lol. I'd love to find Me some stuff too!
now I need to get busy mailing all the stuff off!!