Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Dr appts. Chills and Feeling like Crap!

Here I sit barly able to stay in my Chair. I feel So horrible. I'm running a fever and Chilling like crazy. I took the kids in to the Dr today and she said that they Both had sinus infections. She gave shelbie an antibotic And allergy med and Sam an antibotic too plus Cough med. Shelbies the one who's coughing like crazy right now so I may give her a dose of it before bed. The sweet Dr/Nurse practioner gave shelbies antibotic a Refill too so I can go and get it and use it myself. I took an allergy pill but it hasn't done Shit yet. It's called Palgic. I've never heard of it before but hey it was free samples. lol. I am going to google to see how much I can take. On the box it says 1 4 mg tablet a day but it Does say unless dr says otherwise. I think I need other wise! The kids can't go back to school until Wednesday! They are So excited! lol. My cousin S called me needing me to sub 1/2 day thursday afternoon for her. I told her yes. I'm praying that was not a mistake. I pray i'm feeling a Lot better by then. * Man i'm So ready for bed right now*


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

Oh hon...I am sorry you are so under the weather. I hope this thing leaves your house and fast!

I have to laugh at your statement "I think I need other". That cracked me up!

6:23 PM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

I so Hope you start feeling better I am so sorry you feel so bad! what a nice dr though

5:25 PM


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