Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Spot is back.

Yep that stupid spot is back. Been gone All month and I was Overjoyed! But then last night after a little "Fun" Lol Sorry there TMI! He showed up. Of course AF is late and I keep feeling like she should show up any second butnot yet. I'm praying So hard that spot is just the start of AF. Please God. This spot thing is beginning to worry me. my Doc told me that spotting is Not normal. I can't help but feel like it all stems from us losing Zach and then having to have emergency surgery- losing an ovary and almost my uturus. I Never spotted before that. Maybe my hormones are screwed up? I guess I need to make an appt to have them checked? I'm still waiting on my pap results. I'm just kinda scared that it'll come back bad due to this spotting stuff. I'm praying So hard that it's normal without any problems. Why can't my reproductive system be normal? But then i'm not the only one I know.


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

I would have them run hormonal panels. If your progesterone is off a little bit...that could cause it. Having a screwed up repro system sucks!

4:34 PM

Blogger Shelly said...

Thanks For the advice sweetie. I think i'm going to do just that.

1:08 PM


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