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Monday, February 19, 2007

Dr appt update

Well Praise God my appt went Great. Well as great as a pap smear can go LOL I really like my Dr that I see. I've seen him for about 18 years! wow that's a long time. He's the dr that helped us with the infertility and delievered Sam and shelbie. He's very straight forward and gives great advice. He gave me some ideas on ways to help with my fibrocystic breast stuff. Flax seed, Vit E, Omega 3 fatty acids etc.. I liked that it was somtehing I could do Without a presp. Most Drs i know want to write you a presp for meds for Everything. he doesn't. I was wondering how he'd feel about my using Natural progesterone cream and he was all for it. And gave me a few websites to go to to order it. I get it from the health food store though. It's easier.
Now all I need is my pap test back. I've been praying that all that comes back Normal with No problems too.
Other then all that not to much going on. Billy and I went out Friday night with our best friends S&S. We went to TGI fridays. It was so much fun to get out with them again. We used to do So many things with them before we all had kids. lol. camping and bar hopping LOL They have a little girl who's only 6 months younger then shelbie. It was fun going through our pregnancies together. Saturday Billy and I took the kids to Walmart so that Sam could spend his b-day money. He had $41.00! to spend. I went ahead and got groceries there while Billy took the kids around shopping. I usually shop for groceries at the local grocery store and Wm was Nuts on a Sat. Nuts! Way to many people for my blood. I like being able to look around for stuff and Sat it was Get what you needed and get the Heck outta the way or get run over. Seriously! I hate shopping there! And Yuck their produce was Nasty! Yucky tiny amount of wilted gross looking leaf lettuce. I don't know How in the world they were selling that nasty crap. It looked like it needed to be thrown away a Longgg time ago. So I had billy run by the grocery store on the way home and I got the good stuff! Big ole' bunch of yummy looking lettuce for the same price as walmarts nasty looking stuff. Yuck! I love me my lettuce LOL.
Oh and I got a good suprise I forgot about at my Dr appt. When I called to make the appt way back in November of last year I asked the receptionest how much it'd cost for the Yearly exam. and she said around $150.00! So I was prepared to pay that much or even more. So I get up there to pay after my exam and the lady tells me it's only $70.00! yeah! Dr M put it as an exam for something instead of the Yearly exam so that my insurance would pay better. a very good suprise at that. lol. Any money I can save is wonderful.


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

I love saving money!!!

WM by me doesn't have produce and things like that. I like WM and all but the one close to me is a dive. I barely can stand going there even if it is a savings. I go to Target mostly (especially now that there is two within 10 minutes of me and they sell the baby's formula and WM doesn't).

I am so happy to hear that you got only good news at the dr. It is such a huge relief!

6:04 PM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

the super walmart I went the produce was nasty as well!
My dr gives us breaks like that as well being we don't have insurance other wise we could never ever afford to go to the dr.
cutting caffiene also helps.. we have them as well,my Mom has had many biopsies due to them. I have had a few scares myself but just can't stop the caffiene LOL

7:51 AM


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