Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Feeling better finally.

What a Crappy week this has been. First Shelbie was/is sick. Then on top of that I get it. It started monday afternoon for me with just my sinuses starting to bother me. Then tuesday I started the sneezing and alot more sinus junk. As the week went on I started taking musinex on tuesday. Man that stuff Rocks! it helps so much with the yucky mucus stuff. lol. Yesterday in the store I found the musinex for nasal congestion. It works so great too. I think my appetite is coming back too, though not sure that's all that good. lol. I'm praying that I at least lost some weight through all this sickies. Nothing tastes good t hough and my throat feels raw when I try to eat spicer stuff so i'm still not eatting to much. But then since i've not eatten much this week i'm so tired and weak. i'm praying tomorrow will be even better then today. Shelbie went back to school friday after being out all week. Man that was an experience. lol She's so used to having kids at school to play with that even though she didn't feel good and I felt bad too she still wanted to play games and wouldn't take no for an answer. It's not fun playing shoots and Ladders when your head is stuffed up and ready to explode! lol. I'm praying hard that Sam stays healthy. And i'm praying for a day very soon where I can open Every single window and door in this home and Air it out. Fumigate it even! I have to get rid of the germs in this house. I've used almost a whole can of Lysol in here but it's not working! Arrgghh. I'm just praying that we can all stay well for a LoNGGGG time to come.


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

I love the times when you can open all of the windows and get the winter blahs out of the house.

I am glad to hear that at least it is all on the upswing over there!

3:57 AM


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