Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Shelbies gotta Boy friend, Eye Exams and bears OH MY

Ok maybe not bears but hey it sounded good lol. Just wanted to put a few things down so I won't forget them.
Shelbie told me last night that she has a Boy friend. aww! His name is James and he's in her class. She talks about him all the time and it's so cute to hear her. The funny thing is that she really doesn't understand all this Boyfriend-girlfriend stuff because she Says that James is her boyfriend But James just doens't know it yet. LOL She's to cute!
Sam told me the other day that he likes a girl in his class. He wouldn't tell me her name but he says that she's really pretty. I think a girl named Dakota has a crush on him because he comes home almost everyday saying that she's Hit him and the other day she kicked him 3 times the in back! That ticked me off because when he told the teacher Dakota lied and said that it was an accident and that she'd already apologized to Sam. uumm not! Kids are so funny and weird at this age. So many hormones running wild.

I made sam an Eye appt for next tuesday. He's been having problems with his eyes bothering him and getting blood shot. Thankfully the kids insurance will pay all but I think $10.00 so that's doable.
I also made shelbie an appt for Feb2nd beause she told me last night that she's been seeing spots! Freaked me out a bit so because she's never had an actual eye exam I thought i'd better get her one. I just hope her eyes are healthy. It worries me.

My cousin Josh had another episode with his heart yesterday. I've not heard what the Dr said about it yet. I'm praying So hard that God will heal his heart so that he doesn't have to have surgery.


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

I can't believe that the kids have boyfriends and girlfriends already!!! I feel old!

I am sorry to hear about Josh...he will remain in my thoughts and prayers!

3:05 PM


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