Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Trying to Lose weight.

Is Hard! I mean hard. I guess i've lost about 1 pound so far. Thank God for that. But I need to lose at least 59 more. I can't believe i've let myself get into this sad a shape :( I've never been what some call skinny I was to active in softball for that. I had muscles and was Fit. I looked great. if I do say so myself. lol. Then after I stopped playing ball and started ttc a baby (Sam) I started to gain weight. slowly but gaining. Clomid and depression helped that alot. I remember I weighed 149 when sam was 2 years old. I'd gained about 60 lbs when I was pregnant with him and kept that extra weight after he was born. Then one day at church my Uncle Kurt asked me to help him move a table in the fellowship hall, i jokenly said " but i'm a girl, i'm not supposed to do stuff like that lol" And then He jokenly said " Oh but your a BIG GIRL" Man that hit me like a ton of bricks. I Was (am) a Big girl. So I started diet pills from the Dr and started working out Everyday. I lost weight big time. I looked So good and felt even better and then we got pregant with shelbie lol. I didn't gain that much weight with her but after she was born and I was home with 2 kiddos all I wanted to do was Eat. And boy did I ever and the weight started creaping back on. And then getting told I have hypothryoidism and it made it even harder to lose the weight. Now i'm trying again. without much success I'd say. I Know what will work with me. Low carb is about the only thing that helps me lose weight but right now with our $$ situation it's hard to buy the food I need for it. Excusses excusses I know. lol. Well gotta go cook supper. Add another pound to me. :(


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

If I dont' get a baby soon...I am going to go from fat to gigantic! Let me know what works for you...I am up for suggestions.

5:25 AM

Blogger Shelly said...

The only thing that works for me is Low Carb. Like Atkins. I've heard that South beach is easier low carb to do because there is more you can eat on it. But i've not tried it yet.

10:10 AM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

good luck Shelly I so know how hard it is to lose weight! But I know you can do it. we will fight this battle together!

7:51 AM


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