Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Update on my Cousin.

Ya know honestly i'm not sure I even blogged about my cousin yet. Duh me! anyway my cousin Debbie has colon cancer :( She found out about 3 months ago. This poor woman has been through So incredibly much stuff in her life. I think she's about 43 or so and has 3 young girls. When she was a child she battled leukemia 3 times! Yes 3 times and from what my mom told me she's had cancer a total of 10 times now. I can't even imagine. Once would be heartbreaking but 10 now! OMG! To much. I got an update on her today from my mom, From what she's heard Debbie is doing pretty good considering. a Bunch of lumph nodes have come up with cancer too which makes her fight even harder but she's beat it before she can again! My cousin Kent went to see her yesterday, he told her that God put it on his heart to go and see her and Pray with her and annoint (sp) her with oil. Debbbie of course was 100% ok with this. I've found myself praying for her alot lately too. Especially this week when I feel so miserably sick and I tell myself that i'm blessed that all I have is bronchitis and not cancer! I need to quit whining!
I also remember my brother coming to see me in the ICU last year and praying over me and annointing me with oil. I can't tell you what an Incredible sense of peace and well being that came over me. I Knew I mean KNEW that I was going to be Ok right then and there. I'm praying so hard for Debbie to beat this and praying that once she does that it never comes back.


Blogger Earthchild618 said...

My fingers are crossed for her hon!

2:58 PM

Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

wowo 10 x that nuts yet she still fights that say something right there! Prayers are going up for her Thank you for the update.

12:17 PM


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