Welcome to the Madness of a Stay at home mom, Raising kids in the Country and Trying to survive the loss of a Baby.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Not much going on.

Just thought i'd write something down lol. Not to much going on here lately. Trying to finish up my Christmas shopping. I'm trying to get Billy to go and help me finish it Saturday night. I'd Love to go w/ him and go out to eat and shop. He HATES shopping though so i'm not sure i'll be able to drag him with me. But i'd love to. I only need to get a few more things. 2 gift cards, one for my MIL and one for my BIL. we need to get Sam 1 more thing. I'd Love to get him an Airplane that actually flys. He's been talking about that for awhile. And get shelbie a few more things. I'm thinking a Big make up case filled with makeup. She Loves to make up her dolls and herself. lol. Have no idea what else though. we're getting my FIL some kind of power tool to use in his wood working shop. Not sure what there either.
They haven't called me to sub this week. :( I don't know whether they're just Not calling Me or if they just don't need a Sub this week. I am subbing next thursday for 4th grade all day. Yeah! Need that $! Still haven't heard Anything about that job I applied for. I did hear that they were pretty sure taht they were filling it In house after all! :( That sucks!! If I could just get my foot in the door I know I could do good there. Today i'm taking my Dad to his Eye Dr appt. He needs me to drive him home afterward. I Love my daddy!!
Well better get some stuff done before I have to go with my Dad


Blogger Veggiemomx4 said...

Yeah you have finally updated! I sure hope you can convince Billy to go with you!!

2:09 PM

Blogger Earthchild618 said...

I have been behind in blog land but see that you haven't updated anyway! LOL.

Hope you get some sub calls soon!

4:32 PM

Blogger Tanya said...

HI! So did you get him to go? HOw are you doing? I am tinking of you!

8:45 AM


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